Assistant Professor

Computer Information Systems
J. Mack Robinson College of Business
Georgia State University

55 Park Place NE, Office 1779
Atlanta, GA 30303

Twitter: @yanglusi

I am an Assistant Professor of Information Systems, J. Mack Robinson College of Business, in Georgia State University. Before joining GSU, I was an Assistant Professor of Management Information Systems in Eller College of Management, in The University of Arizona. I received my Ph.D. from the Department of Information Systems and Analytics, National University of Singapore.

In my research, I mainly focus on human behaviors, economics and marketing strategies in information technology, particularly in crowd-based innovation platforms. My research broadly builds upon three streams of literature: organization theories/behaviors, IT & entrepreneurship as well as innovation. I extend organization theory from traditional organizations to new forms of business models where innovation-based tasks are primarily involved. My research projects primarily fall into three categories: 1) entrepreneurial learning dynamics and adapatation behaviors ; 2) network externalities and competition in crowdfunding platforms; 3) marketing and design strategies in entrepreneurial campaigns. I mainly employ econometrics and machine learning in my research projects.

My dissertation—The Dynamics of Crowdfunding: An Entrepreneurial Learning Perspctive—focuses on the developmental growth of entrepreneurs by uncovering the across-campaign and within-campaign dynamics in crowdfunding. The first essay investigates the role of prior experience in subsequent crowdfunding performance. Drawing upon the theory of organizational learning, I theorize the entrepreneurial learning effects from fine-grained experience dimensions. The second essay aims to understand how concurrent funding performance affects entrepreneurs' behaviors during fundraising process. The ceonceptualization is based on the aspiration-performance feedback theory, originaing from the behavioral theory of the firm. Overall, my dissertation suggests that it is paramount for entrepreneurs to obtain timely feedback from the market while meanwhile seek a balance between exploitation and exploration.

I have presented my research at several leading academic conferences/workshops, e.g., International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) , the Annual Meeting of Academy of Management (AOM), the Workshop on Information Systems and Economics (WISE) , the INFORMS Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST) and the Workshop on Information Technology and Systems (WITS), etc. I received Doctoral Dissertation Award of Computing in 2018, Dean’s Graduate Research Excellence Award in 2016 and Research Achievement Award in 2014 from NUS. My research appears in the Best Paper Proceeding of AOM. I am a Graduate Valedictorian in NUS Commencement Ceremony.

Research Interests

  • Open Innovation Platforms
  • Crowd-based Innovation
  • Digital Entrepreneurship and Investment Landscape
  • Organizational Learning, Organizational Theory
  • Human Behaviors, Marketing Strategies & Economics in Crowd-based Innovation

Selected Journal Publications

  • Yang L, Lehman DW, Wang Z, “Falling from Grace: Understanding Successful Crowdfunding Experiences in Serial Entrepreneurship”, Forthcoming, Journal of the Association for Information Systems
  • Wang Z*, Yang L*, Karamshetty V, Hahn J (2024), “Crowdlending Behaviors in the Aftermath of a Crisis: Evidence From a Natural Experiment”, Production and Operations Management, DOI: 10.1177/105914782312249
  • Wang Z *, Yang L*, Hahn J (2023) "Winner Takes All? The 'Blockbuster Effect' on Crowdfunding Platform", Information Systems Research, 34(3), 935-960. DOI: 10.1287/isre.2022.1154
  • Jiang H *, Wang Z *, Yang L*, Shen J, Hahn J (2021) "How Rewarding Are Your Rewards? A Value-Based View of Crowdfunding Rewards and Crowdfunding Performance", Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 45(3), 562-599. DOI: 10.1177/1042258720928922
  • Yang L, Wang Z, Hahn J (2020) "Scarcity Strategy in Crowdfunding: An Empirical Exploration of Reward Limits", Information Systems Research, 31(4), 1107-1131. DOI: 10.1287/isre.2020.0934

(* in alphabetical order)

Selected Papers at Conference Programs and Workshops

  • Yang L, "Understanding Crowdfunding Success and Subsequent Campaigns", Annual Meeting of Academy of Management (CTO Division) (AOM), Chicago, IL, 2024
  • Zhang S, Wang Z, Yang L, "What Makes Successful Entrepreneurs in Online Crowdfunding: Unraveling the Role of Professional and Educational Backgrounds", Americas Conference on Information Systems(AMCIS), Salt Lake City, UT, 2024
  • Yang L, Wang Z, Johnson SL, "Role of Contributor Diversity in Product Co-creation on Open Innovation Platform", Conference on Information Systems and Technology, Phoenix, AZ, 2023
  • Yang L, Wang Z, Johnson SL, “Role of Contributor Diversity in New Product Development: Lessons From an Open Innovation Platform”, Annual Meeting of Academy of Management (CTO Division) (AOM), Boston, MA, 2023
  • Wang Z, Yang L, Karamshetty V, Hahn J, “Crowdlending in Humanitarian Operations and Crisis Management”,Annual POMS-Conference, Orlando, FL, 2023
  • Wang Z, Yang L, Hahn J, “Toward a Better Understanding of Crisis and Online Prosocial Lending”, International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Austin, TX, 2021
  • Wang Z, Yang L, “Propensity and Performance of Task Exploration in Crowdsourced New Product Development”, Annual Meeting of Academy of Management (TIM Division) (AOM), Online, 2021
  • Yang L, Hahn J, Lehman D, “Volitional Learning: Performance Feedback and the Pace of Experience”, Annual Meeting of Academy of Management (OMT Division) (AOM), Online, 2021
  • Wang X, Wu Y, Guo J, Yang L, “Says what in your photos? The impacts of photographic narratives on medical crowdfunding performance”, Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Dubai, UAE, 2020
  • Yang L, Wang Z, Hahn J, “The Impact of Blockbusters in Crowdfunding”, Annual Meeting of Academy of Management (OCIS Division) (AOM), Atlanta, GA, Best Paper Finalist, 2019
  • Ye Q, Feng Y, Yang P, Yang C, Yang L, “The Influence of Gamification Mechanisms on Online Group-buying Participation”, Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Cancún, México, 2019
  • Yang L, Wang Z, Hahn J, “Scarcity Strategy in Crowdfunding: An Empirical Exploration”, International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Seoul, Korea, 2017
  • Yang L, Hahn J, “The Role of Prior Experience in Entrepreneurial Learning”, Annual Meeting of Academy of Management (ENT Division) (AOM), Atlanta, GA, Best Paper Finalist, 2017
  • Yang L, Hahn J, “Tapping the Crowd for Feedback: The Dynamics of Strategic Behaviors in Crowdfunding”, International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Dublin, Ireland, 2016
  • Wang Z, Yang L, “When Should Firms be ‘Open’? The Moderating Role of IT Competency in Inter-Organizational Open Innovation Collaboration", Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Chiayi, Taiwan, 2016
  • Liu J, Yang L, Wang Z, Hahn J, “Winner Takes All? The ‘Blockbuster Effect’ in Crowdfunding Platforms”, International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Fort Worth, TX, 2015
  • Yang L, Hahn J, “Learning from Prior Experience: An Empirical Study of Serial Entrepreneurs in IT-enabled Crowdfunding”, International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Fort Worth, TX, 2015

Teaching Experiences

  • Instructor:
    CIS8045—Unstructured Data Management (Master of Information Systems Core, Big Data Concentration, 2023 Spring-present, Average Rating: 4.65/5.0, Average Enrollment: 55)

  • Instructor:
    CIS3730—Database Management Systems (Health Informatics Core, CIS Core, 2022 Fall-present, Average Rating: 4.81/5.0)

  • Instructor:
    MIS561—Data Visualization (Master of Business Analytics Core, 2019—2021, Average Rating: 4.58/5.0, Average Enrollment: 40)

  • Instructor:
    MIS331—Database Management Systems (MIS Core, 2018—2021, Average Rating: 4.46/5.0, Average Enrollment: 50)

  • Guest Lecturer:
    IT Leadership and Organization Design (master of Technology and IT Leadership)
    The section of "Social Network Analysis in Organizations"

  • Tutor:
    BT2102—Data Management and Visualization (Business Analytics Core)

  • Teaching Assistant:
    IS3102—Enterprise Systems Development (IS Core)

Academic Activities

  • Ad-hoc Reviewer:
    Information Systems Research, MIS Quarterly, Management Science, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Research Policy, Journal of Business Venturing, Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Information Systems Journal, Information and Management, Internet Research, International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making
    International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), International Conference on Information Systems Doctoral Consortium (ICIS DC), Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM CTO, ENT and OMT Divisions), Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS)

  • Associate Editor:
    International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) (Tracks: Innovation and Entrepreneurship; Implementation and Adoption of Digital Technologies; IoT, Smart Cities, Services, and Government)
    Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS) (Track: Social Media and Business Impact)

  • Track Co-chair:   
    Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS) (Tracks: Sharing Economy and Crowd-based Platforms, HCI and Robotics Interface)

Selected Academic Honors

  • AOM2019 Best Division Paper Finalist (OCIS Division), 2019
  • Graduate Valedictorian for NUS Commencement 2018 Ceremony, 2018
  • Doctoral Dissertation Award for Computing, 2018
  • AOM2018 Junior Faculty Consortium (OCIS Division), 2018
  • Selected to attend Post-ICIS MIS Quarterly Reviewer Developmemt Workshop, AIS, 2017
  • AOM2017 Best Division Paper Finalist (ENT Division), 2017
  • Selected to attend ICIS Doctoral Consortium, 2016
  • Research Scholarship, NUS, 2012-2016
  • Dean’ s Graduate Research Excellence Award, NUS, 2016
  • Research Achievement Award, NUS, 2014
  • Received Certificate “Structured Thinking and Communication for Information Technology Professionals”, STMI@NUS, 2014
  • Received Certificate for "IBM University Program Academic Qualification Advanced Level- Essentials of UML Modeling Fundamental of Rational Rose", IBM, 2011
  • Received IBM Professional Certification - IBM Certified Academic Associate: DB2 9 Database and Application Fundamentals, IBM, 2011
  • Received Microsoft Certificate for "Microsoft Technology Associate – Successfully completed the requirements to be recognized as a Microsoft Technology Associate: Database Administration Fundamentals", Microsoft, 2011
  • Received Microsoft Certificate for "Microsoft Technology Associate – Successfully completed the requirements to be recognized as a Microsoft Technology Associate: Software Development Fundamentals", Microsoft, 2011
  • National Scholarship, Ministry of Education, China, 2009, 2010

Personal Life

I am a fan of dancing, and I have six years' experience in ballet and Chinese folk dance. My dancing experience has a great impact on my life as it taught me dedication, perseverance, passion and discipline. I also learnt K-pop, street jazz, lyrical jazz and belly dance . I think myself as an energetic, proactive and motivational person. I like reading on vacations and I do regular exercises to keep fit and in shape. I have completed several marathon races while pursuing my Ph.D. in Singapore.

"Every action you take is a vote for the person you wish to become. " - "Atomic Habits" by James Clear


17 Jun. 2024
My publication at POM was featured on POM Society YouTube Channel.

22 Feb. 2024
My publication at ISR was featured on CU Boulder Today .

10 Feb. 2024
My publication at ISR was highlighted on Platform Papers blog.

3 Nov. 2023
I presented my research about contributor diversity in open innovation platform at CU Boulder, OLIA department.

15 Oct. 2023
I presented my paper about contributors' behavioral patterns on open innovation platform at CIST 2023.

29 Sep. 2023
I am invited to present my paper about contributors' behavioral patterns on open innovation platform at Colorado State University.

8 Aug. 2023
I presented my paper about contributors' behavioral patterns on open innovation platform at AOM2023 (CTO Division) in Boston, MA.

24 May 2023
I presented my paper about fundraising operations in the aftermath of crisis at POMS2023 in Orlando, FL.

5 May 2023
I presented my paper related to contributor diveristy in innovation commuinty at Center for Digital Innovation at GSU.

18 Jan. 2022
My research was mentioned in media. This research developed a value-based view of crowdfunders' considerations.

3 Aug. 2021
I presented my paper related to volitional learning and performance feedback at AOM 2021, OMT Division.

26 Feb. 2021
I am invited to present my paper about the blockbuster effect in crowdfunding at University of Minnesota.

18 Dec. 2020
I presented my paper about the blockbuster effect in crowdfunding at WISE 2020.

15 Aug. 2019
I presented my study about gamification mechanisms on online group-buying at AMCIS2019.

11 Jun. 2019
I presented my study about scarcity strategy in crowdfunding at SCECR2019.

4 Nov. 2018
I presented my study on the dynamics of entrepreneurial behaviors at INFORMS2018.  

13 July 2018
I gave a valedictorian speech at NUS Commencement Ceremony 2018.  

30 Jun. 2018
I received Docotoral Dissertation Award of Computing from NUS. 

19 Jan. 2018
I gave a teaching seminar on the application of blockchain in business and management research. (slides, video in the slides)  

12 Dec. 2017
I presented my research in crowdfunding at ICIS2017 in Seoul, Korea. 

6 Dec. 2017
I successfully defended my thesis.  

18 Aug. 2017
I submitted my PhD Dissertation.  

8 Aug. 2017
I presented my paper about entrepreneurial learning in AOM2017  

21 June. 2017
I presented my paper about blockbuster effect in crowdfunding in ICE workshop in NUS.  

16 Dec. 2016
I presented my paper about rewared scheme design in crowdfunding in WITS2016.  

12 Dec. 2016
I presented my paper about dynamics of entrepreneurial strategic behaivors in crowdfunding in ICIS2016.  

8 Dec. 2016
I attended ICIS 2016 Doctoral Consortium in Dublin, Ireland.  

13 Nov. 2016
I presented my paper about scarcity strategy in crowdfunding in CIST2016.  

25 Aug. 2016
I presented my paper about scarcity strategy in crowdfunding in brown-bag seminar at NUS.  

10 July 2016
I presented my ongoing studies in crowdfunding at Harbin Institute of Technology BBA 2016, Harbin, China. 

29 June 2016
I presented my research-in-progress paper on collaboration openness in open innovation at PACIS 2016, Chiayi, Taiwan. 

19 May 2016
I have been selected to the 2016 MIS Summer Program at Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT) on "Big Data and Business Analytics" from July 4 to 11, 2016.

13 May 2016
I successfully defended my Thesis Proposal titled "The Dynamics of Crowdfunding: An Entrepreneurial Learning Perspective." 

15 Dec. 2015
I presented my paper about entrepreneurial learning effects in crowdfunding in ICIS 2015, Fort Worth, TX.  

14 Dec. 2015
I presented my research-in-progress paper about the blockbuster effects in crowdfunding platforms in ICIS 2015, Fort Worth, TX.

13 Dec. 2015
I presented my paper about the influences of blockbuster projects on backer community in crowdfunding platforms in WISE 2015, UT Dallas, TX.

22 Oct. 2015
I presented my research project about the blockbuster effects in crowdfunding in brown-bag seminar at NUS.

7 July 2015
I presented my research-in-progress paper about the e-commerce towns in China in PACIS 2015, Singapore.

19 Mar. 2015
I presented my research project about the entrepreneurial learning of serial entrepreneurs in crowdfunding in brown-bag seminar at NUS.

22 Feb. 2015
I have been selected by NUS "SoC Bytes" to share my PhD journey.

3 Dec. 2014
I successfully defended my Graduate Research Paper titled "Learning from Prior Experience: An Empirical Study of Serial Entrepreneurs in Crowdfunding"!

3 Nov. 2014
I presented my research idea about entrepreneurial learning effects in crowdfunding in brown-bag seminar at NUS.

26 June 2014
I have been invited to attend the research experience sharing session for undergraduates in the College of Software Engineering, Sichuan University.

25 June 2014
I presented my quantitative project about antecedents of online group buying behavior in PACIS 2014, Chengdu.  

1 Mar. 2014
I passed my Ph.D. Qualification Exam!

16 Dec. 2013
I presented my qualitative project about the role of social media in crisis response in ICIS 2013, Milan, Italy.

1 Nov. 2012
I first met my advisor Prof. Hahn at IS seminar!